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If you're looking to join us for worship, we realize you may want to see what a typical Sunday Morning Gathering would look like.

Worship Gatherings

Sunday Mornings

9:00 | Sunday School Groups
Students | Family Life Center
Adults | Main Building

10:00 | Worship Service
All Ages | Sanctuary
Children's Church | FLC 2nd Floor

Wednesday Evenings

6:00 | Faith Finders Student Ministries
Pre-K - 5th Grade | Family Life Center

6:30 | YOUTH
6th - 12th Grades | FLC 2nd Floor

6:30 | Prayer & Devotional
All Ages Welcome | Sanctuary

What To Expect

When we gather for Worship Service on Sunday Mornings, we sing songs of all styles & genres with one message: Glory to God and Praise the Name of Jesus! We will also take time to pray, fellowship, and hear an expository sermon from the Word of God.

All in all, service typically lasts about an hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

What style of music do we sing?
We strive for a blend of church music from all ages of church history - including today! We use a praise band, a vocal team, and a Worship Choir in our praises through song.
What should I wear?
In our church, you'll see a wide mix of clothing styles. Some are in jeans, some are in suits & dresses. Whatever the case, we encourage our church family to come with a heart ready to worship. Anything more than that is entirely up to your conviction & comfort level. 
I see you have Children's Church...
We do! Our volunteers do an awesome job at laying out the rich truths of the scriptures in a way that is fun & understandable to kids of all ages & grade levels. However, we also encourage families to participate at all levels in our weekly worship - Children's Church is absolutely optional, free to the parents' discretion.
I'm interested in joining the church, but I have questions...
We see people from all walks of life, denominational backgrounds, and lacks thereof - we understand there may be more you'd like to learn before joining our church family. The easiest way to do this would be at the end of service - come and speak to one of our ministers or church members, and we'll answer any questions you might have!
I recently gave my life to Christ... what do I do now?
And the people of God said, "Amen!"

We rejoice with you over your decision to follow Jesus as Lord & Savior, and we want to celebrate with you! The easiest way for us to do this is on Sunday Morning. Following the sermon, our pastor typically holds an Invitation to pray or seek counsel. Simply come forward during this time (or after) and tell one of ministers you've given your life to Christ. 

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